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Monday, May 24, 2010

The battery - What that could be hoped for in the future

Even more attention was lavished to this one component. The battery was the important component from each kind of electronics equipment. From various available kinds usual was used at this time, NiMh, Li-Ion was the kind that often was used by various electronics products, including notebook, the digital camera and various gadget other. In several years in recent times, Li-Ion became the main choice, because this material choice enabled the battery to be smaller, discharge smaller, battery resistance was longer, the power capacity was more big and heavy lighter,

However, the Li-Ion batteries are not the &quot;Perfect&quot;. Massive Recall Committed some battery manufacturers notebooks And a few years ago, showed that the material has the following characteristics: P Husband The &quot;explode&quot;. Besides the ITU, the cost of domestic investment and quality control (so that similar problems do not happen again) to make Li-Ion battery is not feasible to use in hybrid vehicles - the fence is not according to Toyota. Deferred tax assets only car / motorcycle Electricity certain uses Li-Ion battery - they also admitted that the cost (and weight) Li-Ion battery Large Domestic covers some of the costs. The cost for the Tesla Roadster battery article estimated around U.S. 60 000, Danijel dari half the price of the car. <br>  <br>Indicate the Latin alphabet <br>Therefore, researchers attempted Across the World Looking for an alternative to replace the Li-Ion article. Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets-such as the A123 for AT depends System Pages lithium iron phosphate, while the rebellion managed to find way to make air dari zinc rechargable battery (note: air, air to contact). Even the deferred tax assets such as Big Energizer batteries are supposed to offer a series of zinc air batteries next year they (the initials of the samples already available). More Products Second High initial offers remote power than the Li-Ion (three to four times the power Li-Ion, Weight And New Articles volumes Same / EQUIVALENT). The main difference is the contents of both Numbers And BETWEEN ability to reprogram the price. Number of air zinc batteries offer a lower cost of cycles dari Li-Ion, but production costs only half a Li-Ion. Conversely, the cost of lithium batteries is estimated to domestic iron cheaper than Li-Ion phosphate. <br>  <br>Taxable income of the second alternative initials, is the combination of the coveted metal lithium-air. Lithium Metal-Air is able to offer more capacity than an iron High-lithium and zinc air, but at the same time, weighing more than Ringan zinc-air. PolyPlus has successfully created a prototype design of metal electrodes for lithium-air article so the battery can be used even used one in the air and in Sea Water. <br> <br>Outside SIBOR Husband Technology, Technology&#39;s One Noteworthy - ultracapacitors. EEStor claims to have found them successfully ceramic ultracapacitor design <br>barium-titanate powders using the Very significantly enhance the capacity of ultracapacitor. Traditional Ultracapacitor can only store 1 / 25 capacity Li-Ion battery, though having faster reaction of Prime - allows charging ulang much shorter. EEStor by, their products can offer two times the power capacity, Li-Ion. When Li-Ion battery, lithium iron, and zinc-air still need time to reprogram the charging phosphate within hours, EEStor ultracapacitor can be charged in minutes.



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