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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Be careful, Trap Facebook and Twitter

Sixty percent of businesses admit that Facebook is a social networking site is at risk, as revealed by security vendor, Sophos.

Meanwhile, a similar opinion is also conveyed by Kaspersky Labs pointed Twitter microblogging site that middle-rose-leaf into the second network site is at risk after Facebook.

Sophos conducted a survey of 502 IT professionals. The result, business people that did see a lot of malware and spam that wander around in the virtual domain.

A Sophos report entitled "Security Threat Report: 2010", mentions that as many as 33 percent of IT professionals choose to block Facebook for productivity reasons, while 21 percent of survey respondents reported that they or friends who have received malware network via a social networking site will loss of access control such sites. As many as 72 percent of the company also believes that employees who often had a tendency Facebook ria could endanger the company's business.

Another horrendous thing to come from Twitter. Dmitry Bestuzhez (Senior Regional Researcger Kaspersky Labs), revealed that Twitter has been offered for U.S. $ 1,000 by a hacker forum. "Tweet can contain URLs. Well, most of the users trust to click a link in the Tweet. This is certainly a trap for many people for criminal acts. The more a follower, the more risk of contracting malware, "explained Bestuzhez. Here the danger. Sendible facility can be misused in the spread of malware. The reason is assumed that Twitter can be used to infect other malware into account.



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