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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whale feces Help Overcome Climate Change

"When whales eat shrimp that are rich in iron, dirt they would have dropped back in to the water. Stools are later can act as fertilizer for the sea and biotanya and start again in the marine food chain," said Australian scientist Steve Nicol was quoted as saying the AFP , Saturday (04/24/2010).

Sidney - Climate change is a concern the world at the moment. But Australian scientists discovered a unique element to tackle climate change, that whale dung.

Experts from the Australian Antarctic Division finding it if the whale feces can act as fertilizer for plants under the sea. Moreover, if a whale is a type of shrimp that consume iron-rich.

According to Andrew Bowie oseonografer, iron element becomes the most important thing in the production of marine plants like algae. Algae inhaling carbon dioxide as they grow. Bowie added that a third of current global ocean deficiencies of iron elements, for that whale dung , helpful to prevent global warming.

Results of research from scientists in Australia also indicate if the number of whales continue to grow, so their droppings can help marine plant life became fertile. If plants are fertile sea, the sea of coursework the ability to absorb carbon dioxide can be enhanced. Like substances of carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming.



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