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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Suddenly rich gaming win thanks to Rp15, 1 M

London, A Young Local Models in the UK suddenly being a billionare status, having won a kind of betting game worth 1.1 billion pound.

He is Liv Boeree, 25. This blessed lady contestant who can beat the 1240 prize at the European Poker Tour San Remo, Spain.

"But I am sure when I have bought a small place in Las Vegas, a giant house in a village in the UK & buy a brand spanking new automobile, I would feel a small richer!" added.

"I do not believe it, I pinch-pinch myself, that I have won two million pounds. I do not feel like a millionaire, because I am still wearing long underclothing," says Liv Boeree glowing, as quoted uk, Saturday (04/24/2010).

Actually, Boeree enter in a new player in the world katergori pocker. He is only two years wrestle game, compared to other players who have above two years.

Boeree is now going in to the next round, namely the Grand Final in Monte Carlo on Sunday, April 25 tomorrow. to note, the game winner last year, capable of carrying 2.2 million pounds.

Despite a star, they is thought about as a simple model. The young woman still living with her parents in Milstead, Kent. However, they can not watch her son fight in Spain, because of volcanic ash in Iceland, which causes disruption Europe flight location



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