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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Limit your talk on Twitter

Twitter developments in Indonesia so fast. According to reports from, Indonesia is the sixth big Twitter user in the world. The amount of use of Twitter to attract cyber criminals. They began to spread threats via Twitter.
One of the threats that could come from Twitter no threat of phishing, namely the efforts the parties are not responsible for stealing users personal data by pretending to be their friend. Usually they do the theft of personal data (such as username and password) someone, and then use those accounts to send private messages (Direct Message or language Twitternya 'DM') to the follower account. DM contains a link which, when opened, leads users to a phishing site. This has already happened with a large enough scale on Twitter last month.
"Only in four years, the popularity of Twitter is increasing rapidly worldwide. This increase makes Twitter as an easy target cyber criminals. Properties which are very open Twitter makes it easy for criminals to find victims among Twitter users. It is time for the users to take measures of prevention and protection from these threats, "said Ema Linaker, AVG Global Head of Online Engagement.
To help users Twitter, AVG provides 10 tips for safe in-nge Tweet (terms in Twitter when you post status). These ten tips are as follows:
1. Limit your talk The use of Twitter that is easy to make the users often do Tweet about their location and activities. However, users are often unaware that their account is a public account (not protected or restricted), then everyone could see that they Tweet. The comments provided in response to light from these Tweet could eventually be used to determine the daily schedule of activities and plans for that user. Criminals can use this to make that user the next victim.
2. Be careful Open Link Be careful opening the links you get. Many people who use a URL shortening service on Twitter, so it's hard to really know the website you are visiting. Web security products like AVG LinkScanner can indeed be used to check these links. However, you should not open the link if you're really in doubt.
3. Beware Beware of suspicious activities on the timeline or your inbox. When you start getting suspicious messages or your friends start mentweet or send messages of smell spam, you should confirm in advance whether your partner's account had been targeted by hackers.
4. Think before tweeting Tweet you can read by all people around the world. Even when removed, Tweet you can still be seen by using search engines. Think carefully what you write, because the consequences of your writing will probably further than you expected. Using hashtag will also facilitate the search for your Tweet.
5. Do not Hurry Believe You never know who you are in a twitter follower. Do not easily believe in and make friends with people who may have bad intentions.
6. Check carefully Third Party Applications There are hundreds of applications that you can use in Twitter. Before you use these applications, ensure their safety. Look for a lot of applications are discussed in the trusted sites. Remember that these applications often require your username and password.
Many of the basic rules of security and other social networking site that also you can apply on Twitter, such as:
7. Password Information Use a different password for each account on your social networking. If you want more secure, create different e-mail to the accounts of your social network. That way, when you close your social networking account, you can easily delete the e-mail account.
8. When Log in Check your browser settings you use. Make sure that your information is not recorded when you use the computer together.
9. Beware of Phishing Attacks Beware of attempts to obtain your personal information through deceptive Tweet or DM.
10. When Using Cell Phones Be careful with your cell phone and anyone who can use it. If you have a Twitter application, make sure you always log out after you use it.
Twitter is currently the target of hackers. However, you do not need to worry. If you are able to know the trick-trick and more berwaspada, you'll avoid the threat. Do you have tips alone in nge-Tweet? Share it with us!



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