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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chapel in Places of Worship So Hitler's Germany

BERLIN - A chapel or place of prayer for Christians luxury vacation home built from the former Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's. Realizing the chapel was built from the remaining buildings owned by Hitler, the chapel is now used as shrine Neo-Nazi groups.
Wegmacher chapel located in a mountainous area of Germany now changed the function as a gathering place of the Neo-Nazi groups. This proven discovery of swastikas on one of the wooden pillars support the building.
Locals also claimed, if they often see some people bald and uses a leather jacket, leaving a note that contains a compliment to Hitler. They even lit a candle as she recalled the Nazi leader.
After the German government to investigate, they discovered that the chapel should be used for a place of prayer by Christians built from the ruins of the former home of Hitler. Chapel construction was largely derived from the ruins of Hitler's vacation home in the town of Berghof, Berchtesgaden region.
Some of the stones which are used in Hitler's house was taken by the Jewish slaves to build houses in the Berghof.
"The church used to come to the chapel is hoped that if the building was never built. Now the chapel will only lead to trouble in the secular world today," according to Der Spiegel magazine on Saturday (3/4/2010).
Use of materials from the former home of Hitler is certainly very contrary to the policies of postwar German government, which does not allow the use of objects associated with the Nazis.
Hitler at the Berghof own house in bombs by allied aircraft before the end of the second world war, when Hitler had stuck in his bunker in Berlin. Now appeared in the German debate about the utilization of the remaining debris. There are proposals if the location is used as tourist attractions, but of course this problem continues to invite controversy.



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